CD-player Lyngdorf CD-2

Reference: a00317

Developed with the experience gained from multiple-award-winning Lyngdorf Audio digital amplifiers and CD players, this player is one of the best sounding pure audio CD players ...

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The Lyngdorf Audio designed switch mode power supply is extremely well regulated and is filtered and decoupled to provide a low noise and low impedance supply to the digital and analog circuitry. With different supplies from four independent secondary windings on the transformer, the analog and digital supplies are kept separate to minimize digital noise in the analog circuit. Grounding is optimal, and the entire chassis is connected electrically. The back panel is electrically conductive.

Lyngdorf Audio spends great time and effort in designing products that will not radiate noise. Making a noise and radiation free design has the advantage that it will also make the CD-2 itself immune to noise from the outside and from products that have not had the same attention to details in the design phase.

100 Items

Data sheet

Frequency Range (±3dB)
20 – 20k Hz
5.8 x 45.0 x 37.5 cm
6.1 kg, 13.5 lb

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